Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming

September 14, 2024·Johnathan Jacobs

Dynamic Programming is an optimization strategy that usually results in recursive algorithms being turned into loops with data cached outside of it.


Problem must have optimal substructure

The solution can be obtained by the combination of optimal solutions to its sub-problems.

Problem must have overlapping sub-problems

Any solution solving the problem must not solve the same sub-problem multiple times (i.e. do so without generating another sub-problem). Fibonacci wouldn’t work as it will repeatedly generate the same sub-problems to have to be re-solved.

Top-down approach

Memoize or store the solutions to sub-problems so that we don’t repeat work on already solved sub-problems.

Bottom-up approach

Try solving the sub-problems first and use their solutions to build-on and arrive to bigger sub-problems.


Fibonacci Example

  • Naive Fibonacci:
func fib(n int) int {
  if n<= 1
    return n
  return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
  • Top-down: We memoize the solutions to not repeat sub-problems.
var m := map[int]int{0:0, 1:1}
func fib(n int) int {
  if _, exists := m[n]; !exists {
    m[n] = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
  return m[n]
  • Bottom-up: We calculate from the smallest value instead of the largest, to not repeat sub-problems.
func fib(n int) int {
  if n == 0 {
    return 0
  prev, cur := 0, 1
  for(i := 0; i < n-1; i++) {
    nw := prev + cur
    prev = cur
    cur = nw
  return cur