Searching algorithm are those that set out to find a target value. In addition to the value, they might also provide details on how to get to it. Searching is often synonymous with traversal.
- Searching
- Iteratively-Deepening Depth-First Search
- Best-First Search
- Dijkstra
- A*
- Iteratively-Deepening A*
- JPA*
- …
- Graph: Minimum-Spanning-Tree
- When to use each algorithm!
Hoare’s Selection Algorithm to find the kth order statistic in an unordered list.
Select K Elements Pattern
A pattern to efficiently find the K-largest/smallest/most-frequent elements in an array using a heap.
Monotonic Stack
Technique used to for finding the next greater, or smaller element in an array.
Fast & Slow Pointer
Technique to detect cycles, duplicates or other relationships in a container.
Two Pointers
Algorithm using two pointers or indices into an array to optimize complex problems.
Sliding Window
A technique to solve problems over a sub-range (window) of the input data.
Binary Search
Finds the position of a target value within a sorted array, by iteratively halving the input array.
Breadth-first Search
Used for searching graph data structures for a node that satisfies a given property. It starts a given node (the root for a tree), and explores all directly connected nodes before moving on to nodes at the next depth level. Extra memory, usually a queue, is used to keep track of child nodes not-yet explored. NB: The algorithm can be applied to an implicit tree (where the next nodes are discovered while iterating).
Depth-first Search
Used for searching graph data structures for a node that satisfies a given property. It starts a given node (the root for a tree), and explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking to the next. Extra memory, usually a stack, is used to keep track of child nodes not-yet explored (for backtracking). NB: The algorithm can be applied to an implicit tree (where the next nodes are discovered while iterating).