Big-O Time
NB: drop variables that are used in larger expressions: $O(n + nm)$ = $O(nm)$ Comparison Constant time $O(1)$: Algorithm is not dependent on the input size. Logarithmic time $O(logn)$: input size is halved upon each iteration. Linear time $O(n)$: scales directly with the input. Polynomial/Quadratic time $O(n^x)$/$O(n^2)$: scales with the input size$^x$ (nested iteration). Exponential time $O(x^n)$: algorithm complexity is multiplied by $x$ for each element in input. E.g. Naive recursive Fibonacci is $O(2^n)$ as f() is called twice for each element in input. Using a call-tree to derive the Big-O When there is recursion (or looping), make a call-tree, and inspect it: